5th Meet the Experts Transporter Meeting – Preliminary Program

February 08, 2016

Early Bird registration fee and deadline: EUR 250 until 29 February!

The 5th Meet the Experts meeting will host three keynote lectures:

  • M Zamek-Gliszczynszki (GSK): Keynote lecture on ITC recommendations, including a summary of the main conclusions of the AAPS/ITC 2016 workshop
  • M Ullah (Roche): Keynote lecture on refinement of in vitro assays, IVIVE, modelling
  • B Sarkadi (Hungarian Academy of Sciences): Keynote lecture on Chemoimmunity and stem cells The main program will be organized around four topics, detailed in four sessions with three talks each: Topic 1: New Tools for Old Barriers
  • C Bosquillon (U. of Notthingham) on tools to study pulmonary drug permeability
  • J McGeehan (Ascendance) on use of Micropatterned Co-cultured hepatocytes
  • C Brown (Newcastle U.) on in vitro tools to study renal drug transport and toxicity Topic 2: Tools for translational transporter science
  • EM de Lange (Leiden U.) on BBB, BCSFB, modelling
  • L Badolo (Lundbeck) on methods and models to study induction – prediction of clinical relevance
  • L Salphati (Genentech) on transporter humanized preclinical models Topic 3: Transporters as biomarkers, mediators of resistance and toxicity
  • G Jansen (VU U. Medical Center) on inflammation, resistance
  • A Calcagno (U. Torino) on PGx, antivirals, biomarkers
  • Third speaker tbd Topic 4: Transporters as therapeutic targets
  • S Krishna (U. London) on strategies to overcome resistance in Malaria
  • S Urban (U. Heidelberg) on strategies to inhibit entry of HBV, HDV into hepatocytes
  • SD Kramer (ETH Zurich) on uptake transporters in cancer, imaging

Please click here for the preliminary program on the website.

Poster session: You can still submit abstracts for presenting posters. We are offering up to 15 FREE REGISTRATIONS to poster presenters from academic institutions. Moreover, we will select 5 posters for oral poster presentations during the plenary session of the conference.

To apply for free registration, submit your abstract before 29 February, 2016.

Hands-On Training Event: In addition to the main conference, SOLVO will be hosting a Hands-On Lab Training Day on May 11 at its R&D facilities in Budaörs. SOLVO scientists will provide practical training on running different transporter assay formats as well as data interpretation: Vesicular Transporter Assay, Uptake Transporter Assay, Monolayer Assay, Sandwich cultured hepatocytes, HepatoPac tox. The event will take place in the Continental Hotel Budapest.

Please click here for discounted room rate.

Click here to register for the Meet the Experts Transporter Conference!

Next entry: Introducing the SOLVO Biotechnology Research and Academic Collaborative Transporter Studies (ReACTS) Program!

Previous entry: Recorded Webinar is now avalable!

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