Last Call - Meet the Experts Transporter Conference Budapest 2018

April 10, 2018

Meet the Experts Transporter Conference
Budapest 2018

Only 2 weeks left to register for the Meet the Experts Transporter Conference Budapest!

Main topics of the conference on 26-27 April:
•    Drug disposition and drug-drug interaction
•    Biomarkers
•    Disease and therapy
•    Organ impairment/toxicity
•    Xenobiotics and Endobiotics

Our speakers:
- Yuichi Sugiyama (RIKEN)
- Birk Poller (Novartis)
- Irena Loryan (Uppsala University)
- Zhizhou Fang (Abbvie)
- Dietmar Weitz (Sanofi-Aventis)
- Stefan Oswald (University of Greifswald)
- András Váradi (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
- Yan Zhang (Incyte)
- Sanjeev Krishna (University of London)
- Roos Masereeuw (Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Science)
- Lysiane Richert (Kaly-Cell)
- Mikihisa Takano (Hiroshima University)
- Emmanuelle Reboul (Aix Marseille University)
- Theo Visser (Erasmus Medical Center)
- Péter Krajcsi (SOLVO Biotechnology)


Lab Training on 25 April:
•    Running tox assays using long-term incubation HepatoPac® plates
•    Measuring metabolic stability on long-term incubation HepatoPac® plates
•    Vesicular Transport assays
•    Transwell assays using 96 well plates
•    Novel method using in collaboration with Biopredic®

Registration fees:
Conference: 500 EUR
Lab Training: 100 EUR

Registration, Full speaker list and conference agenda are available here!

We look forward to seeing you at Meet the Experts Transporter Conference Budapest 2018, where the Experts meet the Expert.

SOLVO Biotechnology

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Previous entry: SOLVO Newsletter: Citoxlab Acquisition

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