Predictive cross-species proximal tubule cell models for drug development and safety assessment studies

Date: February 25 2015
Presenter(s): Dr. Colin Brown, Ph.D.

Webinar was presented on February 25th, 2015 by Colin Brown, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Institute for Cell and Molecular Biosciences, Medical School Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK

Summary of the presentation

Accurate prediction of human drug toxicity is a major challenge in drug development as in vivo screening of new chemical entities (NCEs) in animal models often fails to predict subsequent human toxicity, leading to attrition at first in man. Kidney damage accounts for up to 20% of failures during the drug development pathway. The major roadblock to reducing drug attrition during development is the poorly predictive nature of current animal based screening models. It is estimated that up to 60% of animal studies fail to identify subsequent toxicity in man.

To address this issue we developed highly differentiated cell culture models of the human and rat kidney proximal tubule (aProximate cells), which recapitulate the physiology of the in vivo proximal tubule and when allied to a broad screen of toxicity, provide mechanistic and species-specific data about the nephrotoxic potential of NCEs. In this webinar, I will describe the properties of our in vitro proximal tubule models and using a number of case studies illustrate how it can be used to understand the handling of drug molecules by the proximal tubule.

About the presenter:

BROWN Colin, PhD

Associate Professor Institute for Cell & Molecular Biosciences, Medical School, Newcastle University Newcastle, UK


Dr Colin Brown was awarded a B.Sc and Ph.D in Physiology and Pharmacology from the University of St Andrews Scotland. He then was a Royal Society European Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, followed by a Wellcome Trust Senior Fellowship in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Manchester.  Until recently, Colin was an Associate Professor at the University of  Newcastle where he focussed on developing in vitro models to study drug transport, drug interactions and toxicity in  kidney, developing  the aProximate in vitro PTC model.  In 2018, Dr Brown joined  Newcells Biotech as Director of ADMET Technologies.